Hydraulic tensioning tool

TEMES fl.ctrl

We developed the TEMESfl.ctrl assembly system to hold flanged connections in place safely and easily.

When clamping with TEMESfl.ctrl, first of all the bolts are stretched using hydraulic cylinders. Then the nuts are applied while the bolts are in the stretched state. Once the stretching force is removed, the connection is clamped.

The special feature for this clamping procedure is that friction effects are of a lesser significance and almost no torsional loading occurs in the bolts. All bolts are tightened simultaneously, making a complicated tightening sequence unnecessary. Furthermore, the elements in the clamped connection – here the sealing elements in particular – are loaded beyond their future prestress. This accelerates settling, which subsides by the end of the clamping operation.

Our hydraulic clamping fixture, TEMESfl.ctrl, consists of compact individual cylinders, which are able to develop high forces, despite their small dimensions, and moderate hydraulic pressures of up to 1000 bar.

Therefore, depending on the dimensions of the connection to be clamped, the size can be adapted from a mini cylinder for clamping individual bolts, all the way up to a tensioning ring for clamping up to 52 bolts simultaneously. Our tensioning rings come in segments, so the fixture is still easy to handle even for larger dimensions, and can therefore be used without additional equipment – even in tight corners.

Furthermore, the modular construction of TEMESfl.ctrl permits individual cylinders to be replaced at any time, or for different support rings (for different pitch circles) to be used with the same hydraulic cylinders.

On request, we are also able to develop special designs quickly, e.g. which need to be particularly compact due to limited space.

Complete system with pipes and pump, ready for immediate use (pumps driven by compressed air or electrically by a battery).

Hydraulic tensioning of flange connections