Tightness / Tightening Joints

Tightness and Integrity of Flanged Joints
Tightness and Function of Valves

Tightness, integrity and function have to be guaranteed both for safety relevant systems and for systems and components relevant to availability.

AMTEC specializes in tasks regarding tightness, integrity and function of flanged joints and valves. Examples of tools and services:
  • controlled assembly and tightening of flanged joints as a service

  • hydraulic spanners for flanged joints - tailored to application

  • control of bolt forces applied using ultrasonic equipment

  • calculation of flanged joints (tightening torque, tightness proof, integrity)

  • controlled prestressing of stuffing boxes as a service

  • hydraulic spanners for stuffing box packings - tailored to application

  • proof of integrity of loaded parts

see detailed description in >> bolted joints and >> valves and/or call!